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Mind Your Heart

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Ireland being a factor in 36% of all deaths. Now more than ever it is important to take steps to protect you heart health and prevent the development of any cardiovascular disease.  Coronary heart disease (CHD) is generally caused by a buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries of the heart. These deposits can cause narrowing of the blood vessels increasing blood pressure and can lead to a heart attack.

The heart is a muscle and blood pressure is a measure of how hard it has to work to move blood around the body. An ideal blood pressure reading is 120/80mmHg. The systolic pressure is the top number which is the measure when the blood is being pushed out of the heart and around the body. The lower number is the diastolic reading and this is when the heart muscles relax again and the blood flows back into the heart. When the blood pressure is high the heart has to work harder to move blood around the body and this can lead to heart attack or a stroke. There are many ways to keep your blood pressure under control including reducing the amount of salt in your diet, exercising regularly and managing your stress. A variety of blood pressure monitors are available in McGorisks pharmacies if you want to keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Along with controlling blood pressure, there are many other risk factors that can be managed to improve your heart health. Quitting smoking and reducing your alcohol intake are both important ways to reduce your risk of CVD.

A healthy diet is the key to maintaining a healthy heart. A healthy diet can help manage weight, lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, all leading to a healthier heart. Food high in saturated fats and sugar should be avoided as these both increase your risk of CVD. Fruit and vegetables are key in providing vitamins and minerals needed to improve heart health.

Food rich in unsaturated fats such as oily fish, some nuts and seeds can help increase your good cholesterol.

Supplements can be useful in helping to reduce your bad cholesterol and support a healthy heart. At McGorisks pharmacy we stock a range of products to help with this.

Plant Sterols, red yeast extract and omega fish oils can all reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides in different ways. Plant sterols, such as in Zerochol,  can help to prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol out of the gut and into the bloodstream. Red Yeast Rice, such as in Armolipid and Red Sterol Complex, has been shown to reduce the levels of both bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.

Omega 3 oils, especially Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) have been shown to help lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and improve circulation. Omega 3 oils are found mainly in oily fish but also in some nuts, seeds and oils. Although dietary omega oils are always the best source, for some people, supplements are useful in making sure you get enough

CoQ10 is another supplement that can help promote a healthy heart but instead of having an impact on cholesterol, it acts as an antioxidant, protecting the cells in your body from the effects of free radicals.

Managing Stress is an important factor in maintaining a healthy heart. Stress hormones such as cortisol increase blood pressure and heart rate which put extra stress on the heart muscle. Identifying stress factors and ways to avoid them can really help improve overall wellbeing as well as heart health. Exercise, practicing mindfulness and yoga as well as eating healthily and getting enough sleep can all help to reduce stress.

Exercise is very important in looking after your heart. People who don’t exercise as twice as likely to suffer a heart attack as people who exercise regularly. The recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes, 5 times a week. This helps to strengthen your heart muscle, reduce your blood pressure and it helps to manage stress.

For some people, CVD can run in their family. It is important to have regular checkups with the GP and to take any medication prescribed to you.

Supervising Pharmacist
Deirdre O'Sullivan

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